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Who are the partners working to restore the site? 

There are five partner agencies working to restore the Parkland, collectively known as the LRPPG Consortium. You can read more about them here

What is Riverside County Parks and Open Space District's role at LRPPG? 

RCPOSD retains full site ownership of the site, and has entered into an agreement with the LRPPG Consortium partners. This agreement allows the Consortium to manage the property through 2045; from there, the contract has two optional fifteen-year extensions.

Will there be fees associated with LRPPG use? 

No fees will be charged for general use of the site. There is potential to ultimately hold fundraising activities including farm-to-fork dinners in the pecan grove; however, these will be the only activities with associated fees and all profits will be put back into community programming at LRPPG.

What is the status of work at the Parkland? 

Work at LRPPG started in 2019 before being put on hold because of the considerable damage from the 46 Fire. Following the execution of an updated contract, site partners first worked to complete critical post-fire clean-up of the former education building site and site vegetation burned beyond rehabilitation.  From there, LRPPG partners began recurring workdays resulting in extension and repair of fencing along Riverview Drive; updated site signage; full assessment of trees on property and development of interim action plan; removal of significant trash from Sunnyslope Creek; installation of trees, hedgerows, and a native garden on site; and addition of a residence and caretaker.  In addition to physical site improvements, partners facilitated a pilot field trip for high school students and introduced recurring volunteer days.

Going forward, work will be focused on continued uplift of site features, facilitation of events on site, and engagement in a master planning process featuring significant opportunities for participation by community members.

Can I Volunteer at LRPPG? 

Yes, LRPPG partners welcome all community volunteers!  Please see the volunteers page at for information on upcoming opportunities and what to expect for anyone interested in coming out and helping on-site.

What is happening to the pecan grove? Are the trees being removed? 

The pecan grove is a huge part of LRPPG’s history and its protection is a priority for the site partners.  As part of site planning, LRPPG partners have been working to survey all site trees including those internal and external to the grove.  Survey results revealed critical maintenance of trees identified as high-risk necessary to be completed no later than the fall of 2022.  From there, staff and partner arborists will continue to balance time-sensitive tree care with long-term planning to maximize maintenance of integrity of the landscape associated with LRPPG. This is especially true in the pecan grove, where arborists are working with advisors from University of California Ag and Natural Resources (UCANR) to plan for both the protection of heritage pecan trees and the removal of risk trees and replacement with healthy trees.  Ultimately, the vision for the grove is a smaller, yet more sustainable and functional one that allows for open, unrestricted public access.

Will there be programming on site for school children? 

Yes, absolutely! The first pilot field trip was held in March of 2022 for high school students from Rubidoux High school, with additional trips scheduled for 2022-23.  Outside of field trips, plans for on-site programming includes an interpretive center and site-wide signage detailing the rich cultural and biological history of the LRPPG designed to enhance the experience of on-site field trips. This updated signage and center are part of ongoing master planning, meaning that the design and focus of both are open for community input and direction.

What's happening with the Jurupa Ditch? Are the LRPPG Partners doing anything to fix it? Is it part of the plans at Louis Robidoux? 

Yes, the LRPPG partners completed a feasibility study of Jurupa Ditch repair in 2021, a process which included significant Jurupa Ditch shareholder participation.  In 2022, RCPOSD announced the availability of funding to implement some of the necessary repairs to the ditch.  As of late summer/early fall of 2022, LRPPG partners are searching for the best candidate to analyze and rank critical repairs alongside available funding to enable development and implementation of a Jurupa Ditch master plan.. For more information please contact Chris Jones at SBVMWD using

Where does the funding for this project come from? 

The funding comes from a variety of sources, consisting primarily of existing partner budget allocations and current grants, with multiple grant applications in various stages of progress.  LRPPG Partners and stakeholders are also supporting advancement of site work with in-kind staff and volunteer time and equipment use.